Here's what was covered:
[01:25] The revelation that your confidence isn't matching your capability.
[03:00] Resistance.
[06:50] The problem when your point of view is not aligned to your principles?
[07:55] Objection of an idea as a reason for resistance.
[10:32] Being out of your depth with low confidence and what can be done to address it.
[13:27] Allowing room for two levels of feedback.
[15:30] Never being a know-it-all.
[22:05] What it means to let go and trust your judgement.
You may also want to listen to:
- Is being competitive good for us?
- The people pleasing dilemma
- Unleashing the artist in you
Most of us are keenly aware of our own personality attributes and if we possess a competitive edge. Now, the bigger question is: Does it work to our advantage? How competitive are you, and do you find it useful to be one way or the other? In this episode, George and Rachel discuss being competitive in a healthy way.
Here’s what was covered
[3:45] People being competitive in a nasty way.
[5:03] The benefits of team sports.
[11:04] How we can learn how to achieve a goal by learning skills.
[11:52] When does competitiveness become unhealthy?
[14:54] Why do some people shy away from competition?
[15:40] The importance of letting go.
[16:47] Your ability to control your emotions.
[20:11] What really is a mistake?
[22:15] How competition provides us with opportunities.
You may also want to listen to:
- Re-invention: what it means for you and your life
- Fear of failure
- Owning up to despicable behaviour